The Space in Between the Chaos

Szen Szen
2 min readNov 14, 2022

Atomic Writing: Day 3

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Wouldn’t it be great

If Life had a pause button?

If whenever things felt too loud

Too fast

Too busy

Too wild

We could simply check out

Stop the flow of information

Close the tabs of our overloaded minds

For just a moment

Until things calmed down


Wouldn’t it be great

If whenever Life behaved unreasonably



Out of the order we had planned for it

We could stop it for a moment

And challenge it

Confront its bad behaviour towards us

Like an employee speaking up

Against a bad manager


Wouldn’t it be great if the Great Tornado of Existence

Were something we could exert control over

Whenever we felt it was too much for us?



Szen Szen

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