Declinations of You

A Love Poem about Essence and Grammar

Szen Szen
2 min readNov 15, 2022

Watching the Infinitive You

While you sleep

Existing in your unconjugated state





Ready to be invited

Into action

Ready to step into

A new situation

And be transformed

By the elements around you

The genus of the characters around you

The time you exist in

The role you play in this scenario of a sentence-universe

Declinations of you

Extensions of you

Prefixes and suffixes of you

The way your demeanour declines when you speak to one intimate other

Two close others

Many strange others

The way you conjugate when thinking about the future

When you remember the past

When you imagine a wisp of possibility

The way you come across when you interact in formalized form

The extra trimmings that bring you

A register above your natural state



Szen Szen

Solar-powered Storyteller | Making the invisible visible | No story too small | Berlin — Montreal